Lawyer Aleksey Blagodov

About me

About me
About me

As a lawyer in the third generation, for over 12 years, I successfully provide qualified legal assistance to citizens and business, as always guided by the following principles:

  • if I do not see a positive outcome for the client, I never undertake a job
  • high professional responsibility to protect the interests of the principal
  • an unconventional approach to business, for which there is no framework for the application of the law in the way out of the situation
  • inadmissibility of a conflict of interest
  • guaranteed confidentiality and phased informing the client about the progress and movement of his case
  • high qualification, extensive experience and the ability to attract the most sought-after professionals to solve your problem
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 A large enterprise engaged in for a long time the supply of forest resources around the world

LLC "City hospital №41»
LLC "City hospital №41»

One of the largest non-state medical institutions of the Russian Sverdlovsk region of Russia

LLC «Dorinvest»
LLC «Dorinvest»

A large enterprise engaged in construction of roads, Railways and runways of airfields

LLC "law Association»
LLC "law Association»

The company occupying one of leading positions on the market of rendering services in the field of real estate transactions in the Sverdlovsk region of Russia

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5L Lenina St., Ekaterinburg, Russia, 620014
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